Home made sausage rolls


I had some pre rolled puff pastry left, so I made some sausage roll.
Quick tip: it its easier if you remove the sausage skin.

I rolled the sausage in the pastry, washed it with a beaten egg. I sprinkled some sesame seeds.

It goes in the oven for 25min at 200 degrees.

I made a simple salad composed of watercress, sweet corn and cucumber for accompaniment.

Very summery!

Express dinner

Gnocchi, spinach and salami

Express dinners don’t have to be boring!

Today, I came back from work, went for a run, went food shopping, and suddenly it was 9pm!

Way too late for a roast dinner, so here is what I made:

step 1: I boiled salted water (and oil), and cooked the gnocchi (fresh ones only take 2 min to cook). Once cooked, drain it.

step 2: in the same pan, I shredded slices of salami (who needs a knife?) and wilted some spinach. I returned the gnocchi and mixed it all so the gnocchi can get the flavour of the salami.

step 3: plate it, add a bit of raw spinach, pine nuts and grated cheese and voila! 5 min later, you have a nice dinner.

Bon appetit!

Chinese-y soup



Success! My freestyle chinese soup worked out well!
Step 1: I cooked sausages in a but of water. Once cooked, remove off the pan
Step 2: add to the pan water, vegetable stock, light soy sauce, a splash of oyster sauce, thin slices of radishes. Add fine noodles in the water. Also add some finely sliced chilli. At the end, as some sliced gem lettuce and a dash of sesame oil.
Et voila!

Boozy weekend

Boozy weekend

The weekend has FINALLY arrived.

This week has been very tough at work and nothing is more welcomed than a pint of beer.

For those trying to cut down on booze, I found a good article on alcohol-free alternatives.

Personally, I do agree that a good ginger beer or a tonic water are a good substitute for when I don’t fancy a drink.

Read this article here and have a good weekend!

Listen to your body – challenge

Listen to your body challenge - banner

You should eat three meals and two snacks a day“, “you should always have breakfast“, “you should stop eating sugar after 5pm“…

Everybody always has an opinion on what and when to eat.

But what about listening to our body?

After all, the body knows what it needs to survive – if it needs iron, then we get chocolate cravings.

So this week, I gave myself the Listen to your body challenge.

It consists of NO RESTRICTION, as long as the body really wants it.


Well… mixed result, really. I am good all day, but comes the evening, and I stop listening… I’ve got an excuse though: this week was particularly tough at work and I am under lots of pressure. Is that a good excuse? Maybe not. I think I need to learn to control my appetite after work.


I’ll definitely go back to this challenge. I first need to tackle my evening cravings.